How to keep your home cool in a heatwave

With temperatures continuing to soar and the outlook for this to remain throughout the Summer, it's more important than ever to keep cool indoors. Take a look at our survival guide to keep your cool at home…
1. Shut the windows.
It may feel counterintuitive, but throwing open the windows to the sun is a sure-fired way to make your house feel like a sauna.  Instead, try shutting the windows and closing the blinds (or curtains) and your rooms will instantly feel cooler. Consider thermal blinds, solar sun screens and window film for maximum effect. Make sure you only open windows when the heat has died down and the air is cooler outside.
2. Create a through draft.
If you really want to keep the windows open, make sure you open windows across opposite sides of your home; allowing air to travel from the front to the back of the house. You might have to position furniture to stop doors and windows slamming!
3. Invest in a fan.
There are a huge range of fans and air-conditioning units available, from inexpensive ones at just a few pounds to expensive devices with a host of cooling features. The key is to use them strategically to get the air moving. Point them towards an open window to push the air out or to create a cross wind across your home. You can also place a bucket of ice in front of the fan to help cool the air.
4. Use 'breathable' bedding.
Now is not the time to sleep in silks, satins and polycottons. Instead opt for breathable 100% cotton sheets or light coloured linens to help you keep cool.
5. Sleep on the ground floor
Not all of us have the luxury of choosing where to sleep at night. But, as heat rises, if you can locate your bedroom on a lower floor you should have a more comfortable nights sleep compared to a hot attic bedroom.
6. Turn off electrical appliances
It may seem obvious, but electrical appliances radiate heat. Instead of using your oven or hob to cook, why not use a barbeque outside instead? If you need an excuse not to use the dishwasher, washing machine or tumble dryer! Now is the perfect time! Switch off as many appliances as you can, to help keep your home cooler. When you need to turn on the lights, consider low-heat CFL lightbulbs and dry your washing outside instead .
7. Use less hot water
Hot showers create excess heat and humidity. Turn the temperature down and it will help keep you cool. Taking shorter showers also help to reduce humidity.
8. Use your hot water bottle
Hot water bottles are great in the winter, but did you know that you can also fill them with water and then freeze them? Fill your hot-water bottle with cold water and pop it into the freezer. It'll create a lovely ice pack to keep you cool!
9. Paint it white!
This may not be a solution for today! But when planning your home interior and exterior colours! Go for cooling whites and soft greys instead. The cooler colours will help reflect the light, helping to cool your house down, and also create a lovely calming environment.
10. Insulate
Again, this isn't a solution for today. But insulation, more commonly known in the UK for its heat retention properties, is also a great way to keep the heat out. A well insulated house is warmer in the winter and cooler in hot summers.


Feeling hot this summer?

One of the fastest growing design trends is the ‘outdoor room’ – and what could represent a better focal point for this than a super-cool hot tub? Whether you use it for private relaxation or partying, it’s a brilliant way to create water-based fun – cheaper than a swimming pool and requiring less space. And unlike a normal outdoor pool – which, let’s face it, has only limited appeal in the great British climate – you can use it all year round.

As well as being enjoyable, there are also health benefits to be gained. Hot tubs allegedly help soothe the symptoms of chronic pain, such as arthritis, by accelerating the release of endorphins. They also help relax tired muscles after exercise and are great for easing the stresses and strains of everyday life. If you have trouble sleeping a dip in a hot tub actually reduces your body’s internal temperature, helping you to drift off.

Of course you’ll need to take various factors into account before ‘taking the plunge’ with a hot tub, not least of which is how to incorporate it into the design of your garden. If you don’t plan to get professional advice, do consider factors such as which areas of your garden are sunny or shady, and which way the prevailing winds blow. You’ll also need to decide how to style the area around the tub. Decking is a good option if you do a lot of entertaining; whereas, if it’s mostly for your own use, leafy surroundings will promote an atmosphere of tranquillity.

When it comes to selecting the tub itself, there is a huge range of options to choose from. Simple tubs start from around £500 with more sophisticated models, featuring luxuries such as massage jets and cedar cladding, costing thousands. The sky (and your budget) is the limit! For more information visit