We have let thousands of tenancies, worked with hundreds of investors, and managed hundreds of properties, helping landlords navigate the local Selective Licensing schemes since their inception in 2015.
Like tenants, landlords and investors come in all shapes and sizes, have different levels of experience, and have different wants and needs, but there are a few questions that we get asked all of the time, and right now, it seems like everyone wants to buy property in Liverpool and the surrounding areas... and I can see why.
We have been instrumental in letting property in and around the west of Liverpool for over 10 years now, our focus; to work with the landlord investors in the area.
We have let thousands of tenancies, worked with hundreds of investors, and managed hundreds of properties, helping landlords navigate the local Selective Licensing schemes since their inception in 2015.
Like tenants, landlords and investors come in all shapes and sizes, have different levels of experience, and have different wants and needs, but there are a few questions that we get asked all of the time, and right now, it seems like everyone wants to buy property in Liverpool and the surrounding areas... and I can see why.
There's a lot of investment opportunity in the area with great property prices compared to many other city locations, and will generate fantastic income (and now capital) returns.
So, if you are thinking of buying a property in the area, here are a few questions you should be asking yourself.
What are the most in-demand areas from tenants at the moment?
The top areas that are most in-demand from tenants right now are Bootle, Walton & Fazakerly.
What sort of property cannot you get enough of?
There appears to be a real shortage of 2/3 bedroom houses, maybe because people want more space or a place to work from home, we have all experienced being locked in, and a 1 bed flat can become less desirable.
Where are most investors looking to buy at the moment?
Most Investors are looking to buy property in Bootle & Walton, which ties in nicely with the increased tenant demands we are seeing.
What rent increase levels have YOU seen in the branch?
With rents across the UK increasing on average by 8.5% (according to Homelet), we have seen rents across the board here increase by at least 10% over the last year and in some cases a lot more!
What property price increases have you seen in your area?
According to the Liverpool Echo, Liverpool has the fastest rising house prices of any UK city. This year is set to be the busiest for the UK housing market since 2007, with Liverpool topping the house price charts at 10.6% and some areas such as Toxteth maxing out at over 20% in just 12 months.
Are unfurnished properties renting better than furnished?
We find that most properties rent better if they are unfurnished, that is unless they are a house share or student accommodation, then of course furnished is best.
What are the key features tenants are asking for right now?
Of course they still want the usual, a good location that feels safe, a nicely presented property that’s clean and has good access to facilities and transport, but this year we have seen a rise in tenants asking for gardens, and to be allowed pets (probably due to the experience of lockdown), and with HMO’s they really do all want en-suite facilities (due to becoming more germ aware).
How many applications from tenants are you getting per property?
During most of 2021, we were seeing around 10 applications from tenants per property, however, this year it has more than doubled, we seem to currently (January and February) be getting up to 25 pre-applications for each property, it's gone crazy!
If you were looking to buy a property right now Elisha, what would you buy?
If I was to buy a property now, I would definitely be looking to secure a 3-bedroom terraced house for around £130k, generating me a monthly rent of around £750pcm which results in a 7% gross yield, because I know I could rent it over and over again with zero problems and get good quality tenants.
What sort of landlords are buying at the moment?
It seems all types of landlords are buying at the moment, from 1st-time landlords, those with 1 or 2 properties looking to expand their portfolio and large landlords alike, it feels like everyone is buying right now, it’s a very busy market, driven in the main by the huge increase in demand and the shortage of stock out there.
What’s the big challenge for the Liverpool market at the moment?
It has to be the introduction of another Selective Licensing scheme across Liverpool from April 2022. This is going to be an additional cost and more paperwork for those landlords in the areas affected, but we have been through this before with Sefton, so we are ready to support our landlords through it.
If you have any queries regarding any of the subjects covered in this article or want to learn how the introduction of the new Selective Licensing laws could effect you as a landlord in the Liverpool area, we're running and inviting you to a free-to-attend webinar on the 23rd March 2022 at 18:30. On the webinar, we will cover all the nitty-gritty details you should 100% be aware of.
Register for the webinar on the next page.