Electrical Certificates – why every landlord should have them

The risks

Imagine if you picked up the phone in the middle of the night to be told that there was a fire at your rented property. As horrific as that news would be, one of the first things that the fire department, the police, and the insurance company would check is whether or not the electrics and electrical appliances within the premises were safe, or whether they could have been the cause of the fire.

And if that were the case, who do you think liability would automatically be with?

If you fail to produce a valid electrical certificate, it could very well be you, the landlord. That would mean that not only do you risk prosecution, but it’s highly unlikely that your insurance would payout.

But, if you have a valid, up to date certificate from a qualified electrician, then you have proof that you have done everything you can to ensure that the electrics in that property are safe. In that case, liability would no longer lie with you as the landlord, but with the electrician, as the question would be whether he had completed the work properly, or with the tenant, who has a responsibility to take care of the property while he or she lives there.

Is it law to have an electrical certificate for my property?

It will be, as right now Government are in processing a law which will mean that all rented properties will have to have electrical checks every 5 years. However, until that time, most agencies are recommending that their landlords get ahead of the game and make sure that all new tenancies start with a valid and up to date electrical certificate, before the tenant moves in.

That’s because, under the Consumer Protection Act Section 37 and Section 19, you have a responsibility to guarantee that your property is safe and fit for tenants to live in. And having an electrical certificate is part of that responsibility.

What will the new law mean for landlords?

Landlords will be required to have electrics checked in their properties every 5 years. This is mandatory, and must be carried out by a qualified electrician. This will be phased in over 24 months; in the first year, all new private tenancies will be affected, and in the second year, all existing private tenancies will also have to adhere.

If a property has recently had an electrical installation condition report (EICR) and has a valid certificate, then the property will not be required to have an inspection until 5 years has lapsed since the date of issue.

What will the required checks include?

The new legislation will require 5 mandatory recommended electrical safety features, which are:

What’s the difference between an EICR and a PAT test?

When we talk about getting an electrical certificate for your property, we’re really talking about the EICR – this is a test carried out by a qualified electrician, and tests the infrastructure of the properties electrics. As detailed above, this includes the wiring, units, plug sockets and switches etc.

A PAT test is really there for the appliances within that property. That would be anything that you include as portable appliances in the property, which might be things like a fridge or freezer, electric oven, dishwasher etc. It’s not mandatory for you to have a PAT test, but some landlords like to get one if they do include these appliances, as again, it provides an extra layer of cover if anything should happen.

In conclusion

While it’s not law to provide an electrical certificate at the time of writing, it’s highly recommended that you obtain one. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind that your property is safe, and that you won’t be held accountable if something should go wrong.

The Government will be changing the law on this soon, so get ahead and make sure that you’re properties are protected, if not on existing properties, but on all of your new tenancies going forward.

If you are looking to keep all your properties safe by staying compliant with current legislation, click HERE to download our FREE compliance checklist.

How To Get Better Tenants

Who is your perfect tenant?

Let’s think about how we define our perfect tenant. It might differ from landlord to landlord and will depend on what’s important to you. You’ll also consider the type of property you own and the area you’re in – for example, is it a HMO? Are you located in a city centre full of professionals? Or is it an area popular with families?

The type of person you are able to target will determine how you categorise them, such as:

Nice to meet you

The best way to get a feel for a prospective tenant is to actually meet them. As humans, we have an in-built ability to make hundreds of judgments based on seeing and talking to another human being, so what better way to get an idea of whether a person is right for your property?

This creates the opportunity to ask them questions about their situation, such as their reasons for moving, past rental situations, their jobs, and even their hobbies. It’s a great way to get a feel for who they are in a more natural and less formal way.

Don’t make promises at this stage, though. It’s perfectly ok for you to tell them that you’re not ready to make a decision yet and that you’ll be in touch, especially if you’re not getting a good vibe from them. You don’t have to take the first tenant you meet – in fact, you probably shouldn’t.

Check them out

Make sure that you do all the proper checks. Having a credit check, verifying their income, and immigration checks, will all determine whether they are the right tenant for you, and whether they can afford to pay their rent. However, be careful not to discriminate – letting things like race or colour, religion, or even benefit claims cloud your judgement is a big mistake, and as well as being unfair, is illegal.

Something else you might consider; using Google. Many people use social media, whether that’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and it’s surprising what you can find out about a person just by searching their name. It’s a useful tool if you want to make sure that the person applying to rent your property is right for you, as you can often get a good feel for their background, friends and opinions, which could all give you an indication of how they will be as a tenant.

Go with your gut

Above all, trust your instincts. If you want better tenants, it really is worth making the effort to meet them, talk to them, and don’t be afraid to do a bit of basic research into their background. Ask questions, and take the time to get a real feel for who they are. And be brave enough to admit if you don’t like them – there’s absolutely nothing wrong with admitting they are not a good fit for you, and looking for someone who is. So many landlords are in such a rush to get someone into their property that they just sign up the first person who takes an interest – and then have regrets when they create problems in not maintaining the property, or worse still causing damage or complaints.

Hopefully, this post has given you a little bit more confidence to go out there and seek out your perfect tenant. Making that little bit of extra effort can save you so much heartache in the long term.